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(From AY 2022-23 to 2025-26)

Judiciary (Darul Quza)

Darul Quza has been established in this Madrasa Islamia to decide the disputes of the Muslims with regard to inheritance, marriage, divorce, waqfs in particular and others in general in accordance with Shariat laws so that the Muslims could be saved from costly and time robbing procedures of general courts of the country. Disputes are solved promptly and amicably. Not only are judgments delivered, rather efforts are made to rouse the feelings of brother-hood, oneness and mutual love and affection between the parties in disputes. Fairness and transparent judicial pronouncement of these Islamic courts have succeeded in attracting faith and confidence of majority of Muslim Ummah belonging to the nearby areas.
It would be pertinent to mention that different High Courts and even the Supreme Court of India have upheld judgments of this type of Islamic courts running under Imarat Shariah expressing praises in so many words. The records are so well maintained since the time of its inception that even the same methodical process cannot be found in government law courts.
DarulQuza is functioning but the madrasa building is being used which disturbs the study environment. A separate building is to be built which will cost Rs. 15 Lacs.

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